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Jan 10, 2018
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Meaning: Not stolen, but "boost" is the term that people use to describe the air pressure in the inlet manifold. This pressure is essentially the force feeding of air into the engine, usually by using turbos charging systems.

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Vanity Plate: BOOSTED
Meaning: Not stolen, but "boost" is the term that people use to describe the air pressure in the inlet manifold. This pressure is essentially the force feeding of air into the engine, usually by using turbos charging systems.
WhatAPlate's Story:

Jake Green sent us his “BOOSTED” 2004 Infiniti G35! Under the hood, his sweet rides sports a APS twin turbo kit and a built motor, sporting over 505 WHP. You can see resides and cruises around in Aspen, CO.

This was his 2nd car bought stock and he did all the upgrades myself. Nice job!

See more:
Instagram: @jgee450
Facebook: /jake.greene.9828

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